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    Mystic Doctrines

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    Kabbalah Sufi Mysticism Jewish Taoist faith Quantum Relativity Universe Science Religion Spirituality God Allah Bible Torah Codes Taoism Judaism Christianity Islam Buddhism Buddha Hindu Sihkism Kabbalah Sufi Mysticism Jewish Taoist faith Quantum Relativity Universe Reality God Qur'an torah codes proof of god's existence allah infinite wisdom eternal awareness omniscience omnipotent omnipotence omnipresent omnicient almighty lord creator love mysticism science religion bible koran christ judiasm judaism hindu hinduism buddha buddhism buddhist tao taoism shiva vishnu tantric buddhism moksha jainism stupas confucianism shinto torah messiah kabbalah jerusalem zion crucifixion jesus christ son of god islam allah muhammad qur'an sufi mosque temple holy bible scriptures mystery mysteries universe quantum physics evolution dharma vedic trinity brahma agni nandi indra surya vayu varuna veda aranyakas puranas mahabharata ramayana krishna puja brahmin priests shrine worship jaina jain sutra cosmos einstein's theory of relativity ufo pyramids sumeria sumerian tablets visitors from outer space quantum reality black holes zen new testament old testament bible code proof of god

    The Reluctant Messenger

    Oneness: The Primary Objective

    Oneness The Master and Chester felt the Oneness of God as they meditated together on a Friday evening. The Sabbath was upon them and Chester realized his meditation joy was at a much higher level.

    The Master started teaching Chester, "There is but one God. All things belong to God and are one with God. It is our destiny to learn to connect and discover our Union with God. Satan wants to influence you to consider anything and everything more important than knowing and achieving this Wisdom. Oneness and Unity are different shades of the same truth. Discover and believe in your Oneness with God, and his creation, and you embrace wisdom."

    Chester laughed, "You are so correct. Science is on the verge of discovering exactly how all the laws of our universe are actually one simple yet elegant principal governed by unity and symmetry! In many ways you are describing exactly what Einstein spent his final years trying to express with mathematics, yet you showed me I can find it in my heart."

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